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7. Install the Manager

We are now going to install the Manager. The Manager negotiates Contracts between Peers. The Manager is exposed externally.

If you have not installed Postgres via the Bitnami chart as described in this guide then you need to make sure that a database called fsc_manager exists.

Install internal certificates

Run the following command to install the internal Manager certificates on the Kubernetes cluster

kubectl apply -f manager-internal-tls.yaml -f manager-internal-unauthenticated-tls.yaml

Check if the certificates have been created

kubectl -n fsc get secrets | grep manager-internal

The output should look similar to:

manager-internal-tls                       3      35s
manager-internal-unauthenticated-tls 3 35s

Manager chart

We are now going to create a configuration file for the Manager installation. Open the file manager-values.yaml in a text editor and edit the values below:

  • <managerAddress> replace this with the external address of the Manager, this address should contain the same domain name as the certificate you created for the Manager in step 2 of this guide. Make sure to include the scheme and port number. E.g.
  • <postgres-password> replace this with the Postgres password you saved earlier.
  • The values <file: ca.crt> must be replaced by the contents of the file ca.crt. You have this file in your working directory.
    • Copy the contents of the files excluding the '-----BEGIN XXXXXXXXX-----' and '-----END XXXXXXXXX-----' lines.
    • Paste the content between the start and end lines and make sure the alignment is the same as the start and end lines
    • Save the modified file

Make sure to save the file. Next, let's install the Manager:

helm -n fsc upgrade --install manager -f manager-values.yaml commonground/open-fsc-manager

Check if the Manager is running:

kubectl -n fsc get pods

The output should look similar to:

NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
controller-open-fsc-controller-7fb775cc75-hjg76 1/1 Running 0 4m51s
manager-open-fsc-manager-5956594bb7-dkt7j 1/1 Running 0 14s
postgresql-0 1/1 Running 0 19m
txlog-api-open-fsc-txlog-api-69f9487bf5-fqj2w 1/1 Running 0 11m

Now that the Manager is running we can continue open the Contracts page of the Controller.

Open your browser and navigate to the path /contracts of the Controller UI. The address if the Controller is determined by the value you used for <hostname controller> in step 4. E.g.

You should see an empty overview of your Contracts. This means both your Manager and Controller are running.